Monday, October 11, 2010

sunset, showers & true stories

Our spot on the river bank was so relaxing that we stayed another six days.  More fishing, cooking in camp oven, happy hours and campfires.  We were joined by Doug and Caz (whom some of you will know) on Wednesday morning.  They just got set up before the showers came.  Just enough rain  for us to have to put out the awning for the first time here.  Rain stopped in time for us to enjoy a sit-around the campfire and catch-up with each other's travells.  Tall tales and true from the legendary past were spun before we retired for the evening.  The wind from hell arrived at 11.30pm gusting to 1000klm per hour and just about lifting the van off the ground using the awning as a sail.  A mad rush in the dark to put up the awning.  By morning the wind adated and the weather stayed fine but sometimes windy for the rest of our stay.  Thursday evening our hosts arrived at the camp with a bucket of 4  yellowbelly which we BBQ'd for dinner.  More yarns around the campfire.  We witnessed a fabulous sunset.  Pictures follow.  Sunday morning we all packed up, farewelled our host and set off for Menindee.  Fish count on departure, Kath7,  Des 10.  Stayed at Copi Hollow  part of the Menindee lake system that night, another fabulous sunset across the lake.  Today we travelled to Kinchega National Park which surrounds the Menindee Lakes system and borders on the Darling River.  We are camped on the river bank again, but very steep banks along this part of the river.  Staying tonight and moving on, possibly to Wentworth tomorrow.  The lakes system is 100 percent full and we think many trees will die as they are sitting in a lot of water.  It is incredible to see so much water this far inland.  Photos follow.

Sunset Darling River station campsite

sunset at Copi Hollow

Lake Menindee full

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