Monday, October 18, 2010

Off the dirt for a while

We left Menindee after a night camping in the Kinchega National Park and followed the worst dirt road we had yet encountered between Menindee  and Pooncharie .  We expected the van to be shaken to bits but were pleasantly surprised with nothing broken or on the floor!  Spent a couple of days in Wentworth where it rained for most of our stay.  Had a look at the old goal and went to where the Murray and Darling Rivers meet.  Also saw one of the weirs with the flooded Murray pouring over it, a great thing to see all this water which has finally reached the mouth of the river in South Australia.  Left Wentworth and travelled to Renmark and free camped on the bank of the Murray, still roaring past, where it rained most of the time again. This was when it snowed in Victoria and the wind was blizzard .  Saw the cliffs on the Murray and the rose garden with 40,000 bushes and 4000 varieties!  A couple of wet nights later we moved on, roughly following the Murray and seeing the cliffs along the banks, some of which were only metres from the road.  The problem is that they are crumbling and we suspect that they will have to re-align the road in many places soon!  Camped at Walker's Flat after crossing over on the ferry and then onto Adelaide where we are staying with a friend on Kath's. Going to Kangaroo Island on Friday and returning on Monday.  Will probably leave Adelaide on Thursday. Enjoy our photos as we enjoy bringing them to you!!!! 
Junction of Darling (left) & Murray (right) rivers at Wentworth
front gate at Wentworth goal

paddleboat coming up the Murray R cliffs at Renmark

cliffs along the Murray R. at Renmark

us coming off ferry crossing the Murray R. at Walkers Flat

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