Friday, October 1, 2010

still poor but happy

Our fossicking at White Cliffs was absolutely fruitless but nevertheless we had a good time.  Saw an underground dwelling made from a working mine which has 6 bedrooms, some doubles, which is now a B&B and the owners are still mining further down the tunnel.  Had a good look around town, must have been a real goer in the early 1900's.  Not much activity now, still finding some opal.  Left White Cliffs in convoy with 4 other vanners and travelled to Wilcannia for fuel and supplies and headed for a fantastic property right on the Darling River.  We estimate the river is 60-80mtrs wide here.  The River Redgums are massive.  See the photo with Kathy standing in front of one and you get a true appreciation of the size of these majestic trees.  Hard to think how old they would be.  Photos follow.  This is what we expected to find all the way from Bourke.  We have been here since last Tuesday and will stay until at least Monday morning.  Have been fishing and the count is now - Kath 5,  Des 1.  Cooked a fabulous damper, super beef curry and stupendous golden syrup pudding in the camp oven, and that's just in the first couple of days.  Having a great time.  We have hot showers, toilets, gas bbq and the most fantastic stretch of river that we have seen so far.  So we won't be in a hurry to move on.  We even have communications here.  Last night we had a group campfire and one of our fellow travellers entertained us with some fabulous country music on his guitar around the campfire.  Our fellow travellers moved on this morning so we now have the whole place to ourselves for a couple of days.  The weather has been very cold, but fine.  Today is slightly warmer and is expected to stay fine.  It's a hard life.
bedroom in underground B&B at White Cliffs

old mullock heaps (with wildflowers) at opal fields White Cliffs

campsite with fellow travellers on Darling River 50kl from Menindee

view along riverbank

catch No. 5

giant River Redgum and dwarf (Kathy)

view across river from campsite

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