Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We're back for 2011

Hope you all had a nice Christmas and New Year.  Kathy spent this time in Brisbane while Des had Christmas in Perth with his son and new family then he went back to Dwellingup to work in the POWcamp.  Photos 1-4 show a couple of before and after shots inside the POW camp.  We had another week in Dwellingup after Kathy returned from Brisbane and during this time we attended the 50 year reunion of the devistating bushfires of 1961 which destroyed many small towns around Dwellingup as well as much of the township.  Dwellingup was rebuilt,but many of the other communities were not.  Where we camped used to be the town of Marrinup.  No trace now exists of the buildings that used to be here.   A couple of photos of the fire trucks that were in service in Dwellingup in the 1961 fires.
From here we went to Pinjarra for 4 nights to sit out the threat of cyclone which came down the WA coast and was to cross at Mandurah 25kl away.   Fortunately, we only got mild winds and a bit of rain as the cyclone petered out before it crossed the coast.  We then headed to Harvey and camped at Logue Brook Dam 10mins outside of town.  This dam, like all the others we have seen was extremely low and the photo doesn't truly demonstrate this, but you can get some idea.  Harvey is a pretty town with a big dairy and fruit industry.  We visited the cheese factory and sampled several tasty varieties.  Also took some for "happy hour".  Some of the things we saw were a concrete sofa in the main street of Waroona (on the way to Harvey) with a painted mural.  We have included a photo of the seat.  Also at the Harvey visitors centre there is a Moo Shoppe where "everything cow" is on display.  Some of these items were very overpriced in our opinion. (see photo)  Also a display of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie created by May Gibbs is in the Visitors centre.  May Gibbs spent some of her childhood in Harvey where she got the inspiration to create these characters from the gumnuts on her uncle's property.
During the war Italian and German immigrants were incarcerated in a camp near Harvey as it was thought they would carry out acts of sabotage.  Some of the prisoners built a shrine out of local materials so that they had a place to worship.  This has been restored and enclosed in a building.  Local Italian stonemasons from Bunbury carried out the restoration stonework.  It is brilliant.  Also inside the shrine are photos of similar examples of shrines constructed by POW's or internees in other camps here and overseas.
While we were camped at Logue Brook Dam the winds were gale force.  Strong enough to rock the van and scare the life out of Kathy.  It got so bad that she went and slept the last night in the car.  Hope you enjoy our first of many blogs for 2011.

shower block ruins POW camp before Des's cleanup

shower block ruins POW camp after Des's cleanup

tank stand ruins POW camp before Des's cleanup

tank stand ruins POW camp after Des's cleanup

1961 Mack fire truck at Dwellingup

1961 Blitz fire truck at Dwellingup

concrete sofa with mural in the main street of

all things cow at the Moo Shoppe at Harvey Visitors Centre

Snugglepot & Cuddlepie mural at Harvey

Ampitheatre at Harvey Dam

our view of Logue Brook Dam where we camped

exterior view of the building housing the shrine at the internment camp Harvey

restored altar inside internment shrine Harvey

photos of similar shrines

1 comment:

  1. so awesome to see the photos of the old Mack and Blitz fire trucks at Dwellingup. I remember the fire of 1961 vividly and I also remember both those trucks! Every time I smell burning gum leaves my mind goes straight back to January 1961, my inner memory still sees the fleeing animals crossing the town oval, below our house.
